As directed by Peter Middleton and James Spinney, The Real Charlie Chaplin attempts a delicate dance, quite ambitiously trying to understand both Chaplin the g...
As Jackie and Don Seiden unintentionally describe themselves by way of an impromptu thought experiment: he's the warm-hearted crocodile and she the intelligent...
The new 4K restoration of Dennis Hopper’s mad-wheeling 1980 feature Out of the Blue opens with text detailing the fascinating behind-the-scenes turmoil that le...
Philip Gelatt and Morgan Galen King’s The Spine of Night is an impassioned tribute to adult animation, dark fantasy, and truly ambitious genre epics of the typ...
Despite any prescience on behalf of its subject matter, I’m sure even the playwright himself, Jonathan Larson, would have looked back on his big-budget, s...
You can't avoid questions of race when discussing a situation such as that at the center of Emily Kuester and Brad Lichtenstein's documentary Messwood. The tit...
I hadn't seen any of Adrienne Shelly's work at the time of her death, but you couldn't follow the film world in 2006 without hearing about what happened. News ...
Potently blending long-awaited classics, new filmmakers, and a modern-ish American classic, Criterion's February slate has arrived. No 4K discs, sadly, but we'...
A stellar snapshot of recent Japanese cinema is coming next month to the Japan Society. Flash Forward: Debut Works and Recent Films by Notable Japanese Directo...
After going international with the Isabelle Huppert-led Frankie, it looks like American director Ira Sachs is continuing the trend with his next feature. The L...