Daniel Day-Lewis, perhaps the finest actor working, is extremely picky about his roles, often going years between performances. But we can forgive him for that, because each one is extraordinary (There Will Be Blood, In the Name of The Father to name a few). More than likely, his sub-par role in Nine was homage to Fellini (Right? Just say yes) but it still leaves a sour taste and I am really hoping for him to get back in front of the lens quickly.

BBC Films recently announced a Charles Dickens biopic and they are apparently eyeing Day-Lewis for the lead role. The project is called The Invisible Woman and will involve Dickens’s scandalous relationship with 18 year old Nelly Ternan. Day-Lewis is atop their wish list to star with Ben Wishaw as the backup [ThePlaylist].

The film is being penned by Abi Morgan. Look for Day-Lewis to be picky about it, as always, but if he accepts, look for an Oscar. It is seemingly a perfect stage for such a performance.

What is your favorite Daniel Day-Lewis role? Should he take this one?

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