Just yesterday we revealed Entertainment Weekly’s first look of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss, the heroine of the wildly popular YA novel The Hunger Games. Now, we’ve got more revealing shots of Lawrence in costume — in that they give a fuller view of Katniss’ look.

Though the below image is not terribly different from the EW cover that was teased yesterday, the top photo may be a telling sign to the impending adaptation’s aesthetic. This utilitarian look is set against a cryptically lit forest, that Hunger Games devotees know hides a world of danger. This is undoubtedly Katniss’ gamewear, which is strategically dark in color and built for function over style. Of course her iconic mockingjay broach is apparent in each shot, as is her signature weapon: the bow and arrow. Fans may be happy to learn that Lawrence is currently involved in rigorous training regime that  involves track work, stunt training, yoga and a heavy dose of archery. While her co-stars, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth. (who will play Peeta and Gale), have a staunch regiment of weight-training to bulk up for their respective roles.

From Entertainment Weekly (print edition):

Katniss’ Costume: When it comes to the dazzling attire Katniss will wear when she’s interviewed in front of the Capital audience, Lawrence couldn’t care less. But she was plenty vocal on the subject of her arena outfit – the survivalist-style clothing (seen here) that she wears while fighting for her life. “I’m going to be doing a lot of my own stunts,” says Lawrence. “I want to make sure I can run and jump and climb. I’ve been driving [the costume designer] crazy with the boots: ‘You have to fix this here, you have to make it lighter here, you have to open it up here.’ The dresses I don’t care about them. Just put them on me. It’s like Oscar season again.”

“I told Gary, ‘I totally understand if you don’t hire me, but please remember that after Katniss shoots a bow and kills someone, her face cannot be badass. It has to be broken.”

To read the full interview with Lawrence, pick up Entertainment Weekly which will hit newsstands tomorrow.

Of course, this first look is exciting and all – but speaking of costume designers – when are we going to hear who will be playing Katniss’ stylist and confidante, Cinna?

What do you think of the latest Hunger Games images? Does this look like you imagined Katniss?

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