
For a while now Zombieland scribes Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese have been working on bringing the Venom spin-off to the bring screen. It’s been stated in the past that they’ve written two drafts, but now it seems Gary Ross will be handling the script. Variety blog BfDealMemo is reporting that writer/director Gary Ross is being courted to rewrite the script and possibly direct. Ross is currently working on the script for Spiderman 4 and may work on Venom after his work is done there.

Gary Ross seems like a rather odd choice to direct Venom — the man’s directorial credits include Pleasantville and Seabiscuit. Nothing in those films really show that he has an eye for dark material. While those are very good films that pull my heart strings, nothing about them screams Ross is the right man to do Venom. With all that said, Ross is talented and maybe he could do something interesting.

Do you think the director of Seabiscuit could be the same director for Venom?

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