
As promised, the first Star Wars spin-off film, titled Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One, is getting quite a diverse cast. Directed by Gareth Edwards (Godzilla), Felicity Jones, Riz Ahmed, Diego Luna and Ben Mendelsohn have all been confirmed to be part of the ensemble, and now Variety reports that Forest Whitaker will join the film in an unknown role.

Following a group of rebel soldiers setting out to pull off a heist of the Death Star plans, details have been spare, getting only a few during the Star Wars Celebration earlier this year. JoBlo now have some hilariously vague rumors such as it’ll be “darker and grittier” than any other film in the franchise, but they do offer a few more substantial pieces. The film is said to be in the “old school war” vein of Hamburger Hill (trailer below) and while it’ll focus mainly on the rebel fighters, a great deal of new droids and aliens will be featured.

Considering the scale Edwards delivered with Godzilla, having him take on a full-on war film in this universe sounds quite appealing. Set for a release on December 16th, 2016, expect a few more additions to the expansive cast in the coming weeks. As for Whitaker, he’ll also take part in The Crow remake this fall.

What do you think of the ensemble?

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