
For his next directorial project David Schwimmer is straying away from comedy and heading into dark territory with TrustClive Owen and Catherine Keener will play parent’s of a 14-year old girl who “discover she has been victimized by an adult who gained her trust posing as a teenager on a chat room.” Variety reports Liana Liberato will play the daughter in the film that is more about the effects of such an event.

I thought Schwimmer’s directorial debut, Run Fatboy Run, was pretty terrible but with Owen and Keener together I couldn’t be more excited for this new project. Especially since the material is so different. Shooting begins November 9th in Michigan. One can see  Keener in the excellent Where The Wild Things Are, opening today. Owen can be seen in The Boys Are Back, which expands today.

Did you like Schwimmer’s Run Fatboy Run? Are you excited for this new direction?

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