As Asia’s premier film festival, Busan offers a comprehensive look at the latest cinematic gems from the vast continent, including the often neglected region of...
Judging by its prominent presence at midnight sidebars of film festivals everywhere, it’s fair to say Korean cinema has got the genre game down. The feature deb...
As China is set to take over North America to become the single largest film market within the next years, more attention will/should be paid to its formidable ...
In the grand scheme of things, teenage love affairs–together with all the raptures, jitters, devastations associated with them–probably don’t count that much. B...
We talk to the Taiwan-based filmmaker about his new film, a 76-minute picture that consists of unbroken close-up shots of 13 unidentified, seemingly unrelated people....
We spoke to the director below about commenting on the refugee crisis without making it the message, why he doesn't deceive his audiences, the brilliance of The Sopranos, Harun Farocki, and more....
Movies tell stories through characters born out of the filmmaker’s omniscient mind. It’s an exercise in empathy and imagination, obviously, considering no one c...
The trick to getting the most out of the Berlin Film Festival is to dig deep into its stupendous program spanning 400 films across a multitude of sidebars. Prem...