It's rare we cover music videos––mostly those with a major name behind the camera. But no smaller an auteur label could be applied to Sparks, as sui generis as...
NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.
Film ForumA Jeanne Moreau retrospective brings films by Antonioni, Malle, Becker and more; ...
As The Novelist's Film stays fresh and in water just begins screening, it might be easy to overlook Walk Up in the current constellation of Hong Sangsoo. Don't...
Taking place between March 29 and April 9 at New York's Museum of Modern Art and Film at Lincoln Center, the 52nd edition of New Directors/New Films will comme...
NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.
Film at Lincoln CenterClaire Denis' masterful first feature Chocolat has been restored in 4...
It is my experience that one gets a far richer, stranger cinema education in pursuing the careers of actors, that group defined first by (assuming luck shines ...
NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.
Anthology Film ArchivesCitizen Kane plays on 35mm this Saturday and Sunday.
Roxy CinemaT...
I did not successfully lobby for Woody Allen Summer Project 2022 placing on our list of most-anticipated 2023 films. Rather than get into any reasoning for or ...
NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.
Museum of Modern ArtA series on Claudia Cardinale begins, including The Leopard this Friday...
This is the customary sentence noting it can be easy to take Hong Sangsoo for granted. The prolificacy of which should tell us he's as appreciated as ever, and...