If a filmmaker's last feature had an end-of-cinema quality coursing through practically every frame, where do they go next? Sure, Leos Carax would probably ...
Though entirely a secret before being slotted into Berlinale's lineup, the rave reviews for Jafar Panahi's Taxi have solidified it as one of my very most an...
Fresh off this fall's well-received Don't Go Breaking My Heart 2, Hong Kong's Johnnie To -- one of the world's greatest living directors, in more than a few...
Since any New York City cinephile has a nearly suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile repe...
Let's dig just a little deeper into the Orson Welles archive. If you can handle some hideous watermarks that ensure no one pilfers from The Merv Griffin Sho...
Were you guys fans of the last Takashi Miike movie? No, not that one. No, he actually made another one right around that time. As you might remember, the mo...
Next in Janus' long, hopefully never-ending line of theatrical restorations is Grey Gardens, a picture many would consider one of the very best documentarie...
Two-and-a-half years after development was first announced and just over a year after we received some stills, here's the first real look at Peter Greenaway...
By most accounts, including our own, Werner Herzog's Queen of the Desert was not worth the years-long wait. But whatever disappointment comes with hearing t...
Allow me to state the least-controversial opinion ever posted on this site: D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation, for all its follies and horrors, remains ...