Nick Newman

[TIFF Review] Daguerrotype

Kiyoshi Kurosawa has ways of making it look easy, even unimpressive. To my knowledge, he has never made a film that’s less than a pleasure to simply observe, ri...

[TIFF Review] Nocturama

Here's an elevator pitch: Nocturama is Robert Bresson’s The Devil, Probably in a homegrown-terrorist garb that substitutes transcendental style for the form of ...

[Review] Sully

You know the inciting incident because it is not quite like any in recorded human history, and you could stare at the foreboding, nigh-apocalyptic poster to no ...

[Venice Review] Planetarium

It'd be one thing, a simpler thing, if Rebecca Zlotowski's Planetarium was a middle-of-the-road effort that's over and done with in less than two hours. Alas, i...

Nick Newman

Managing Editor

Nick lives in New York with his cats Drenka and Telemachus.