Continuing the evolution of faith-based cinema, The Identical is a film that will certainly appeal to its core audience succeeding as an engaging, energetic dra...
A slow burner that perhaps is more deserving of the theatrical experience than VOD, The Calling is a handsomely lensed thriller set towards the end of winter in...
While mostly delightful, yet not terribly insightful, Cantinflas is a warm and nostalgic look at the business of show, including one instance where the Golden A...
Bleak and harrowing, Starred Up is a prison picture that pushes the boundaries. The film opens with the graphic examination of Eric (Jack O’Connell) a teen ...
Riveting entertainment, Dinosaur 13 is one of those happy accidents of documentary filmmaking. Speaking on a panel before its screening at the Montclair Film Fe...
After four entries into the Step Up saga I knew exactly what to expect upon entering the latest, Step Up All In. Like the pornography of yesteryear, the Step Up...
I feel a bit like François Truffaut diagnosing “A Certain Tendency of French Cinema," but after In Our Nature, The Big Ask, Lullaby, and now Jesse Zwick’s About...
The Dog is a lively, epic documentary biography of John Wojtowicz, an anti-hero of sorts in New York’s gay rights movement. A later episode in his life would be...
Shifting modes from his previous personal investigations, Alex Gibney, perhaps the second-greatest documentary filmmaker working today, is absent from his lates...
The strangest thing about Come Back to Me is once all the clues are revealed in an improbable bit of exposition, the ideas behind the film could spawn a strange...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.