To take Justin McConnell's horror film Lifechanger at face value is a mistake. You won't understand this truth right away, though, because it starts out being e...
Adolescence is a metamorphosis from youth to adulthood — a time defined by its constant state of flux physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Puberty is t...
According to Kenji Katagiri's debut feature Room Laundering — and I have no reason to disbelieve him — Japan has a law stating that landlords must divulge wheth...
Who would survive a zombie apocalypse? The extroverts who're always part of a crowd, oblivious to the dire circumstances of their surroundings and therefore una...
In an age of remakes, reboots, and rehashes, it's suddenly become refreshing to see homage — especially the self-aware kind. If you've seen the alternate poster...
If any Canadian festival is worthy of having its name spoken alongside the behemoth that is TIFF, the Fantasia International Film Festival and its eclectic ...
If humans weren't always the pettiest creatures on Earth, we've definitely earned the title this past century. Just think about how often you find yourself aski...
There's a brief loss of picture halfway through The First Purge's end credits that reveals a full-blown commercial for the upcoming ten-part television "event" ...