The only thing worse than never getting your happy ending is having it within grasp and realizing you cannot accept it. To see salvation and turn around knowing...
There's a line that our actions can cross when our desire to help others turns into helping ourselves. And it's often difficult to see when you're the one falli...
The rarest of items can claim a collector's soul if he/she isn't careful. When that item — something thought to be merely myth — is held in your hands, you neve...
The latest cinematic look at Pablo Escobar is titled Loving Pablo for a reason: it's based on Colombian journalist Virginia Vallejo's book Loving Pablo, Hating ...
It might be hyperbolic to call Smallfoot the most dangerous film of the year, but it wouldn't necessarily be wrong. Yes, there's a wholesome message at the back...
I can't think of a better term to describe Esther Rots' Retrospekt than her own: "sensory cinema." We get a feeling for what this means during the opening scene...
It's 19th century Vietnam and fourteen-year-old May (Nguyen Phuong Tra My) has just been married to a wealthy landowner named Hung (Long Le Vu). She wears a gen...
A film ten years in the making, anthropologist Sine Plambech and her director husband Janus Metz's open a door with Heartbound onto an intriguing humanist story...
Sofía Hernandez (Ilse Salas) has everything: three children she can ignore, servants and maids to take care of her every whim, and a husband (Flavio Medina's Fe...