Jared Mobarak

[TIFF Review] Bad Turn Worse

Life for Sue (Mackenzie Davis) and Bobby (Jeremy Allen White) in their sleepy blue collar Texas town is at an end. They've been accepted to college and can't wa...

[TIFF Review] Begin Again

To answer the title's question—Can a Song Save Your Life?—writer/director John Carney says "yes." A song can save someone from jumping off a subway platform and...

[TIFF Review] The Double

Comically dry like director Richard Ayoade's debut, Submarine, his sophomore effort takes more than a few steps towards an even more arid realm of complete exis...

[TIFF Review] What If

There is something relatable to the awkwardly genuine smiles of two introverts connecting with an acquired humor, made funnier by the fact everyone around them ...

[TIFF Review] All Is By My Side

On paper, a biopic of Jimi Hendrix without the rights to his music seems like a complete waste of time. Even with John Ridley's All Is by My Side detailing the ...

[TIFF Review] Abuse of Weakness

The draw of Catherine Breillat's newest, autobiographical film, Abuse of Weakness (known as Abus de faiblesse in its native tongue), is ultimately to watch how ...

[TIFF Review] Asphalt Watches

I'm not one to condone illicit drug use, but you might want to take something if it's available before sitting down to watch Asphalt Watches, since its animated...

[TIFF Review] Dallas Buyers Club

How do you stretch having thirty days left to live into seven years? You put in the work. Ron Woodroff (Matthew McConaughey) didn’t journey towards opening up t...

[TIFF Review] Gravity

Back in the '90s, at the advent of IMAX technology, certain amusement parks would have a screen with some "experience" putting you "into the action." Enter the ...

Jared Mobarak

Jared Mobarak is a Rotten Tomatoes-approved film critic for The Film Stage, Art Director for Buffalo, NY film series Cultivate Cinema Circle, and member of OFCS and GWNYFCA. You can follow his cinematic viewing habits at Letterboxd.