Filmmaker Michael Winterbottom, ever the force to be reckoned with, returns with another drama experiment that will no doubt find only the smallest of audiences...
Michel Gondry's new documentary, Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?, is nothing more than a collection of conversations with renowned philosopher Noam Chomsky, accom...
Capital, accomplished filmmaker Costa-Gavras' new film set within the world of corporate finance, is a fast-paced, cynical piece of entertainment that serves as...
Set around the edges of the Grande Raccordo Annulare (the "GRA" of the film's title), Italy's most extensive urban highway, documentarian Gianfranco Rosi observ...
The big budget sci-fi action spectacle Elysium, written and directed by Neill Blomkamp and starring Matt Damon, serves as a master class in how to make stupid l...
There is a lot that is thrown into the boiling Hollywood pot that is R.I.P.D. Directed by Robert Schwentke, this afterlife crime-comedy saga takes from just abo...
Here it is, ladies and gents, that serious Jason Statham film few were expecting. Once called a more narratively-appropriate Hummingbird, now called a more Jaso...
Speaking with Enid Zentelis about her new film Bottled Up, two things become clear: how personal the story is to her and how determined the female filmmaker...
Bottled Up, the second feature from writer/director Enid Zentelis, is a noble piece of independent filmmaking, determined to explore oft-examined dramatic situa...
Coming out of Norway and sporting a Foreign Film Oscar nomination, Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg's Kon-Tiki is a handsomely-made action-adventure film that...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.