Bobcat Goldthwait has made a career of dissecting what makes tragedy funny. It's an impressive second act for the comedian, who was once known primarily for th...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about movie stars! Not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones they made in...
The year is 1986, the setting is New York City, and the AIDS epidemic is running rampant. Our hero David (Samuel H. Levine) is a teenager living in Brighton Be...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about movie stars! Not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones that they ma...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about movie stars! Not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones they made in...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about movie stars! Not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones they made in...
For the last sixty years, few actors have been as reliable an onscreen presence as Tom Skerritt. Bearded-yet-buttoned-up, handsome-yet-approachable, the 88-yea...
It is hard to overstate how important Bill Morrison’s work is to the language and history of cinema. As much a historian as he is a filmmaker, Morrison seeks o...
Long live the socially minded political thriller! Thanks to filmmaker Hany Abu-Assad, this long-underserved sub-genre––once perfected by directors like Hitchco...
Straightforward to a fault, Boris Karloff: The Man Behind the Monster crystallizes the horror icon's enduring legacy. From his complicated childhood to late-ca...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.