Though the actor still be a hot commodity and someone to watch, he’s watching himself more closely these days, thanks to the underwhelming numbers behind The A-Team. What should’ve been a lauching pad for Bradley Cooper is now a cautionary tale, and it seems M. Night Shyamalan’s secret super-powers project will suffer a loss.

Cooper has dropped out of the Last Airbender director’s next film due to apparent shooting conflicts with The Hangover 2. On the flip side of this, Cooper has been offered the lead against Anna Faris in TMI, a rom-com about two friends who, after a “crazy night,” realize they may be more than friends. Original, yes it is.  [Pajiba]

Ryan Reynolds was set to star in the film, which most likely is no longer the case if Cooper’s getting offered the film. Reynolds made that movie already. It was called Just Friends and Faris was actually in it. This is just an offer, an can be ignored by Cooper (and his people) just as fast as this story can be published.

Heeding the same warning (and then some, considering this star’s recent flakiness in most every way), Jim Carrey has been offered the title role in Burt Wonderstone, a John Francis Daley/Jonathon Goldstein concerning a once-great magician who’s ego finally gets the best of him. Soon he finds himself washed-up, without a partner or any new tricks. Redemption ensues. Goldstein has the comedy Horrible Bosses in production, so this script has some heft. That said, did anyone see The Great Buck Howard when it came out? Doesn’t it kind of sound like the same movie?

And Carrey’s not a sure thing anymore, both financially or actually.

More news, of course, to come.

Is this offer news intriguing? Or underwhelming?

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