
Two updates for the upcoming film X-Men: First Class, directed by Bryan Singer, have come our way thanks to Variety and THR. The first bit of news is that 20th Century Fox has hired a screenwriter for the project in the form of Street Kings scribe Jamie Moss. Moss will be writing the script along with Singer. The other bit of news comes directly from Singer himself regarding his plan of attack for the new film:

This is the formative years of Xavier and Magneto, and the formation of the school and where there relationship took a wrong turn,” Singer said. “There is a romantic element, and some of the mutants from ‘X-Men’ will figure into the plot, though I don’t want to say which ones. There will be a lot of new mutants and a great villain.

Looks like Singer has things under control and has a clear vision for the new film. It is about time the man returned to the film franchise that paved the way for every single comic book film of the decade. I can’t wait to see what he can do with the prequel and I doubt we have to worry about him (unlike Gavin Hood) screwing up continuity.

What would you like to see in the next X-Men film? Can Singer bring this franchise back to the brink?

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