There are few films that incite more rage than Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace 3D. With a single film, and two more desecrations to follow, George Lucas crushed the legacy of his beloved sci-fi saga with a swift blow. After the much-maligned recent Blu-ray release chock full of changes, Lucasfilm is bringing the series back to theaters in 3D. Instead of kicking things off with the originals, we are going in order from 1-6, with one release per year. If box office doesn’t go as planned, then the rest of the 3D conversions will be called off.
Arriving today, the first Phantom Menace 3D trailer raises many questions. Why would you want to watch this 2D trailer here on a 3D-absent computer? To give the effect of added value, the studio has started the footage out in a small screen then blown up to full resolution. Just look at the difference! Since we can’t see the 3D here, this acts as the same exact footage we saw in 1999, except Lucas has wisely toned down Jake Lloyd as Anakin Skywalker and removed Jar Jar Binks altogether. Check it out below and please let us know your reason for wanting to see this re-release in a theater.

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace 3D hits theaters February 10th, 2012.
Will you see this in theaters?