Sean Durkin, Josh Mond, and Antonio Campos make up Borderline Films and are prime examples of how to do film school right. Graduating from NYU, they've form...
I’m not sure Werner Herzog, Jean-Luc Godard or even Errol Morris would agree the role of film is to expose the truth. The truth varies. The truth is not on ...
Update: Read our TIFF review of Shame here and it has officially been given an NC-17 rating for "some explicit sexual content."
One of the most talked-ab...
Crowdfunded Cinema is a column at The Film Stage that focuses on filmmakers seeking funding for projects via crowdfunding platforms, offering new ways for ind...
The summer has come to an end and after counting down our favorites of the year thus far, we are now heading in to the overwhelming award season. Multiple con...
Here in the US, Fox Searchlight has been going for the less is more approach with first theatrical poster and two haunting trailers, but it is safe to say o...
You may know him as the police officer from Hot Fuzz or that guy in The Bourne Ultimatum (not Matt Damon), but Paddy Considine has also tried his hand at di...
Each week within this column we strive to pair the latest in theatrical releases to the worthwhile movies streaming online via Netflix Instant Watch. This week ...
Taking home the World Cinema dramatic prize at Sundance earlier this year, we also adored Anne Sewitsky's comedy/drama Happy, Happy when it played at New Di...