Picture, if you can, a Paul Schrader film about a troubled man. No, actually: a Paul Schrader film about a troubled man, redemption, revenge, and a seedy un...
It's been a whopping five years since James Franco shot hit adaptation of Steve Erickson's Zeroville and two years since an initial trailer leaked, but now ...
From international stardom with Star Trek to roles in films from Jeremy Saulnier, Paul Schrader, and Joe Dante, Garret Price’s new documentary covers all sides of Anton Yelchin, an actor taken too soon....
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have unveiled the nominations for the 91st Academy Awards this morning. Roma and The Favourite lead the pack...
As awards season continues, the first full video from The Hollywood Reporter's roundtables has made its way online. This year's directors conversation featu...
Update: Ethan Hawke has dropped out of the film due to a commitment with his John Brown series, and Schrader is looking to recast, he revealed in a new Vari...