While his action roles gave him worldwide recognition (particularly in the three-film streak of The Rock, Con Air, and Face/Off), as of late, Nicolas Cage's...
Despite all his rage, he's still just Nicolas Cage. Yes, the actor, after recently getting some praise for Joe (a film I'm clearly in the minority on), is b...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, and other highlights from our colleagues across the Internet -- and, occasionally, our own write...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing and other highlights from our colleagues across the Internet -- and, occasionally, our own writers. If you'd...
The team behind Joe on he way this film and Green's last film, Prince Avalanche, feel like they share some DNA beyond just the director, the way that Green incorporates pieces of the actors into their characters, the importance of the facial hair that Cage sports and whether it was real or not, what kind of personal experiences Cage and Green brought to the film, and much more....
It's easy to divide David Lynch’s career into sections of surprising commercial accessibility and complete mainstream alienation -- the cultural breakthroug...
In previous years, April might have signaled the calm before the blockbuster storm, but Hollywood has expanded their definition of the season. While limited releases (with some available everywhere on VOD) are the most promising films this month, Marvel will release their latest tentpole and a Christopher Nolan protege gets his first chance at directing....
Placing high on our top 50 films of 2013, Joshua Oppenheimer's The Act of Killing is a deeply unsettling exploration of the mass killings reenacted by Indon...
The enigma that is Nicolas Cage is in full-swing this year, as just after the first footage debuted from one of his most peculiar projects, we are gearing u...