One of the more discussion-piquing results of contemporary cinema's ever-increasing implementation of technological advancements is the way these innovation...
Filmmakers have long strove to capture the essence of human desire within their work. Our hunger for power, love, and sex is an intense driving force that bin...
Before we get further, this article was made for both diehard film fanatics and those just discovering the wonder of early cinema. If you fall into the form...
Each week within this column we strive to pair the latest in theatrical releases to worthwhile titles currently available on Netflix Instant Watch. This week we...
Martin Scorsese's attention, for the following couple of months, will be justly focused on the theatrical release -- and potential Oscar run (the film will ...
This Thanksgiving week the wide-release options at the cinema are only family-friendly, and in a rare occurrence, they are all worthwhile. Our very positive...
Part of my excitement for David Fincher's upcoming adaptation of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is that it seems to be a mix of his dark crime thriller Se7...
Update: The documentary is now available to stream online.
Well, this is a nice surprise. For a man whose prolific career seems to go through peaks and v...
The master of shlock, Roger Corman, has got his own documentary. After influencing a breadth of filmmakers and actors from Francis Ford Coppola to James Cam...
We have a few musical treats for you today. The first is a glimpse at the opening dance number for The Muppets featuring Jason Segel. The film recently had ...