One of the most acclaimed films coming out of the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year was A Real Pain, the second feature directed by Jesse Eisenberg. Fea...
One of the most acclaimed films coming out of the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year was A Real Pain, the second feature directed by Jesse Eisenberg. Fea...
There's something humble about Jesse Eisenberg writing, directing, and co-starring in a film, only to give its plum role to Kieran Culkin. Eisenberg, still, wr...
In Manodrome, cinema's enduring love for frustrated male loners is brought, kicking and screaming, into the cold light of the present day. Set in an unnamed, c...
Jesse Eisenberg is exactly how you might expect. He’s anxious, speaking quickly with his hands, a slight tremble in his voice from a clear nervousness. In fact...
After premiering at Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, we've been wondering when A24 would set a release for Jesse Eisenberg's directorial debut When Yo...
Earlier this year saw the premiere of Jesse Eisenberg's directorial debut, When You Finish Saving the World, and while A24 has yet to set a release date for th...
A refigured and condensed version of his own audio drama of the same name, When You Finish Saving the World is a slight directorial debut from Jesse Eisenberg ...
Marcel Marceau's
first public performance was in front of three thousand troops after Paris was
liberated during World War II. It wasn't some USO stunt, though...
all like to believe that we have some semblance of control over our lives. Do
we, though? How much of our identity is dictated by social conditioning? Maybe...