Writer/director Todd Rohal's latest film, The Catechism Cataclysm, is a genuine discovery. Quirky doesn't begin to describe the film, which despite some wac...
“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover” is a proverb whose simple existence proves the fact impressionable souls will do so without fail. This monthly column focuse...
In 2008, Steve McQueen's Hunger blew many away, thanks, in equal parts, to McQueen's superb, restrained visual style and Michael Fassbender's career-making ...
Andrew Bird has been an anomaly in music since the mid-90s, meshing folk sounds with blues sounds with pop sounds, and doing most of it on his own, employin...
The heavy awards onslaught is gearing up and it is a good year to be Fox Searchlight. The 21st Gotham Independent Film Award Nominations have been announced...
We gave you an update a few weeks ago, but The Academy now has its final list of the 63 films competing for Best Foreign Film Oscar. This list will get cut ...
The Iranian drama A Separation will make its NY premiere tomorrow evening as part of the 49th New York Film Festival (buy tickets here) (read my rave review her...
No matter how nice it starts, when a film is part of the Midnight Madness sidebar at TIFF, something twisted is almost guaranteed to occur. After premiering...
Update: Read our TIFF review of Shame here and it has officially been given an NC-17 rating for "some explicit sexual content."
One of the most talked-ab...
Kicking off tomorrow for just four days, the Telluride Film Festival is nice precursor to the North American fall film festivals including Toronto and New Y...