Completing his planned trilogy about gay life in Sandusky, Ohio––a town known by most outsiders as the setting for Chris Farley’s Tommy Boy and the home of amu...
Violet, Justine Bateman’s often sharp commentary on a certain side of the movie business, suggests what might have happened if the protagonist of Kitty Green’s...
One of several timely films offering a personal and global perspective on COVID-19, Hannah Olson’s medium-length documentary The Last Cruise is a stirring pers...
Cajun music’s most magical, unique aspect is how it creates joyous, raucous compositions from minimal instrumentation. Most Cajun bands consist, maybe, of a vi...
Several years ago, South Park asked the question: at what point is it acceptable to make a joke about a tragedy? The answer within that universe was 20 years. ...
There was a time, in the 1990s and early 2000s, in which Miramax and Fox Searchlight pumped out feel-good, British comedy-dramas on a yearly basis. Films like ...
There are times when it is still hard to fathom that Tom Petty is gone. Turn on his SiriusXM station, and there is a good chance you’ll hear Petty’s inimitable...
Flipping a traditional formula on its head, Mari Walker’s haunting feature film debut See You Then begins simply enough: we're introduced to a reunion that tak...
Arriving on the festival circuit just as a group of Ivy League-educated millionaires in Congress punted on raising the minimum wage, Edson Jean’s Ludi is an of...
Near the beginning of the new documentary Mr. Bachmann and His Class, the eponymous school teacher finishes another day of work, gets in his car, and drives ho...