Before IFC Films launches a domestic trailer, after picking up Walter Salles' adaptation of Jack Kerouac's classic novel On The Road at Cannes, an internati...
Known for his neorealistic touches in his first two features especially (Chop Shop and Man Push Cart), I've been curious as to where Ramin Bahrani is headed...
Leave it to Paul Thomas Anderson to keep us guessing, only to surprise everyone. After a flurry of rumors on where The Master would premiere, dating way bac...
With official festival lineups having been released for both Toronto and Venice, the shape of the upcoming Oscar season is beginning to form more concretely...
Today we have posters for three festivals offering, each of a very different variety. First up, after premiering at Cannes Film Festival (where we enjoyed i...
Alright, alright, alright. Few actors have had such a 180-degree career turn than Matthew McConaughey, and that's just this year. The actor, known for few a...
It's hard to imagine a better pairing of international stars than Juliette Binoche and Edgar Ramirez. The former has given a string of stunning performances...
It's a hard feat following up one of the greatest films of the last decade, but Andrew Dominik may have pulled it off with the crime drama Killing Them Soft...
Isabelle Huppert continues to stay busy on the festival circuit after two films (Michael Haneke's Amour and Sang-soo Hong's In Another Country) saw premiere...
With the summer season winding to a close, August brings a few blockbuster offerings, but mostly a healthy dose of promising limited releases, many which we...