A few months ago Kevin Smith stated that an idea had been suggested to him via twitter regarding funding for his film Red State. The idea was to have Red State be funded by fan donations. In an interview with CINSSU, Smith had this to say regarding the idea:

We’re kind of creating this website. We’re seeing if it works to set up and collect donations. It becomes a weird tax nightmare, though…It sounded like such an easy thing online…but now there’s lots of checks and balances to make sure we can do it, but if that’s the case, I would be into it, and I’ll match it. Whatever you raise on line, like fuck it, you put it up, I’ll put it up.

For those that are unfamiliar: Red State is described by Smith as a “weird fucking dark little seventies horror movie that nobody wants to make.” Smith originally shopped the idea around to The Weinstein Company who turned it down. Smith’s hope is to do the film after completing his hockey film Hit Somebody.

Some other news to come out of the interview was Smith finally talking candidly about the Cop Out green band trailer. He stated:

[The studio] led, oddly enough, with a trailer that I didn’t agree with. They put out a trailer for Cop Out that I was like ‘You’re kidding? This is the trailer? There is way fucking funnier stuff in the movie, why aren’t you leading with that! Where’s all our edgy shit?’

This reaction comes as no surprise. It was clear that Smith wasn’t pleased on the trailer but was happy with the resulting awareness it generated.

You can see more on my thoughts of Cop Out in my recently released defense of the film here.

Would you help find Red State if given the chance?

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