After crafting the best film of 2023 (and 2024, depending on your release calendar) with The Beast, Bertrand Bonello is prepping his next feature. While he was...
Tim Fehlbaum's September 5 stars John Magaro, Peter Sarsgaard, Leonie Benesch, and Ben Chaplin as ABC sports journalists unexpectedly put in the position of na...
We could tie ourselves in knots, draw party lines, and make blood oaths declaring cinema's greatest-evers: directors, actors, screenwriters, even studios or en...
A decade after his staggering documentaries The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence, Joshua Oppenheimer has now returned, but this time with a narrative fea...
Vermiglio is set in the eponymous alpine village during the waning days of WWII. Maura Delpero’s film, gorgeously shot by Leviathan cinematographer Mikhail Kri...
It’s hard to overstate just how ubiquitous the Paddington films––particularly the 2017 sequel––have been in the British cultural consciousness over the last de...
While it looked like James Gray was going to follow up Armageddon Time with either a John F. Kennedy biopic or the ghost story Ezekiel Moses, one of America's ...
While Tarsem Singh is currently enjoying the recent restoration of his cult classic The Fall, he's still seeking distribution for his last film Dear Jassi. In ...
In an era where print magazines continue to shutter (most recently Cinema Scope and Total Film), it's always a breath of fresh air for the industry of film jou...
Whatever its pedigree in East Asia, the Tokyo International Film Festival has not nearly been so known to the Western world. A quick scan of past editions woul...