Written and directed by Danis Goulet, Night Raiders is set in a dystopian North America in 2044 as we follow a mother who joins an underground band of vigilant...
To quote Monty Python and the Holy Grail, for documentarian Joshua Bonnetta, the Scottish Outer Hebrides is something of a “very silly place.” This is not to d...
After winning the Best International Feature Film Oscar a few years ago with Alfonso Cuarón's Roma, Mexico has another notable contender this year. Tatiana Hue...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week's selections below and past r...
After a hiatus where New York’s theaters closed during the pandemic, we’re delighted to announce the return of NYC Weekend Watch, our weekly round-up of r...
“If you want to get a great production deal in Hollywood, all you have to do is be Black, male, and NOT Wendell Harris.” This sentiment was used as a running j...
From James Bond to films by Wes Anderson, Ildikó Enyedi, and Arnaud Desplechin, Léa Seydoux has had quite a year, but the performance to top them all comes wit...
If this morning's bland, formulaic trailers for Uncharted and Red Notice put you to sleep, Michael Bay is here to jolt you back to life. Despite how one may fe...
Ahead of a ceremony on November 29, this year's Gotham Awards nominations have been unveiled, featuring some of the year's finest cinema. Among the nominations...
The end of summer and start of fall has seen the release of several books that qualify as major entries in film studies—specifically Fun City Cinema and Inland...