In Fremont, Donya (Anaita Wali Zada) is often alone. She lives in a small apartment in Fremont, California, commuting each day to her job in a fortune cookie f...
At times shockingly personal, the documentary A Still Small Voice will sneak up on most viewers. It follows both Margaret "Mati" Engel, a chaplain-in-training ...
As the title suggests, Kimi Takesue’s Onlookers concerns itself with the act of spectating. Filmed in Laos, the documentary takes a sparse approach to its subj...
It’s hard to watch Keishi Kondo’s New Religion and stop yourself from pointing out the influences all over it. There’s an abstract opening sequence that brings...
How do you make people like you? How do you make people remember you? These are the Google search queries of Killian Maddox (Jonathan Majors), a bodybuilder wi...
Emily (Phoebe Dynevor) and Luke (Alden Ehrenreich) are madly in love. Engendering sex at every possible opportunity, their passion is a burning one and, after ...
While she says her banal, nondescript, spreadsheet-crafting office job is the only thing she loves in life––besides cottage cheese––one wouldn’t guess it from ...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week’s selections below and past r...
Welcome, one and all, to the latest episode of The Film Stage Show! Today, Brian Roan, Bill Graham, and Robyn Bahr are joined by Dan Mecca to discuss James Cam...
A sweeping documentary by David Redmon and Ashley Sabin, Kim's Video follows the personal-inquiry, man-on-the-street format from their previous works Mardi Gra...