
The controversial documentary producer Michael Moore is back at it again with a new project based on the economic crisis and government bailouts. Although the movie is still untitled, it was announced that teaser trailers would hit select theaters this weekend. The studio kept true to their word, bringing the “trailer” to theaters in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington DC in a very unexpected way. Patrons entering the theater were warned by signs that they would be recorded and surrendered rights to their images being used if they continued to their seats.

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Just before the movie started, Michael Moore appeared on the big screen and addressed the audience saying,

Hi, I’m Michael Moore. Instead of using this time to tell you about my new movie I’d like to take a moment and ask you to join me in helping our fellow Americans. The downturn in the economy has hurt many people, people who have had no choice but to go on government assistance. Yet our welfare agencies can only do so much. That’s why I’m asking you to reach into your pockets right now and lend a hand. Ushers will be coming down the aisles to collect your donations for Citibank, Bank of America, AIG, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and a host of other needy banks and corporations. Won’t you please give generously? Now, I know what you’re thinking – I already gave at the bailout. And I know you did, but even if you’ve given in the past, give some more. It will make you feel… good.

As the address rolled, ushers walked up and down the aisles with collection containers, wearing shirts that stated “Save Our CEO’s.” Certainly draws attention to the documentary. According to reports, a version of this trailer mixed along with footage of the different theaters that participated this evening could be out as soon as Sunday.

Check out the video below:

Via: SlashFilm

Talk about viral marketing. Wouldn’t you tell you’re friend about the documentary if this happened to you?

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