After a poster debut earlier this week, the first trailer for John Sayles Amigo has landed just as expected. I missed the premiere of the war story starring Joel Torre, Chris Cooper, Garret Dillahunt and D.J. Qualls at Toronto International Film Festival last year, but it has been picked by Variance Films for distribution. It looks a bit like a TV movie and I haven’t heard the greatest of things, but you can see it in limited release later this summer. Check out the trailer below or at Apple in HD.


AMIGO, the 17th feature film from Academy Award-nominated writer-director John Sayles, stars legendary Filipino actor Joel Torre as Rafael, a village mayor caught in the murderous crossfire of the Philippine-American War. When U.S. troops occupy his village, Rafael comes under pressure from a tough-as-nails officer (Chris Cooper) to help the Americans in their hunt for Filipino guerilla fighters. But Rafael’s brother (Ronnie Lazaro) is the head of the local guerillas, and considers anyone who cooperates with the Americans to be a traitor. Rafael quickly finds himself forced to make the impossible, potentially deadly decisions faced by ordinary civilians in an occupied country. A powerful drama of friendship, betrayal, romance and heartbreaking violence, AMIGO is a page torn from the untold history of the Philippines, and a mirror of today’s unresolvable conflicts.

Amigo hits limited theaters on August 19th.

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