Sony, you just can’t wait a year for me to be groomed and ready, can you? Is it really too much to ask for you to wait until June 2011 when I’ll have graduated film school and be ready to tackle my first big feature. I won’t lie, it has been something of a dream for me to handle the Uncharted movie adaptation as I am a pretty die-hard fan of the franchise, with it’s incredible shooting mechanics, terrific story-telling, and colorful characters. Essentially, it’s what Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystall Skull should have been, and everything more.
Unfortunately, Sony is too impatient to wait for me to finish my schooling, and are looking to David O. Russell as their man to tackle the adventure series. Granted, everything is still in the meeting stage, as L.A. Times reports, but Russell seems to be the top guy they studio has their eye on. Bollocks I say, as the guy just wouldn’t be the right fit for it, even with the slightly mediocre Three Kings. Seriously Sony, is it really too much to ask for you to wait for me?
What do you guys think? Is Mr. O. Russell the right man, or should Sony get someone better?