Update: Lynch has released a new, Detour-homaging promotion this week, featuring himself and Sabrina Sutherland on vocals. Original story below.

David Lynch’s slow drip of material continues apace. In the month since announcing his and Chrystabell’s new album Cellophane Memories he’s released two music videos––expected roll-out for a project of this kind. Which makes a bit more compelling Lynch’s latest promotion: repurposing some ancient piece of film (searches yielded nothing) for a comedy bit (somewhat à la Out Yonder) pitting his and Chrystabell’s voices against discordant closed captions.

Arriving, too, is a lyric video for “The Answers to the Questions,” a song from which Lynch clearly finds visual inspiration. This is even more minimalist an approach than the paper cut-out video from two weeks past, one or two effects punctuating what’s otherwise closer to wallpaper.

Watch both below:

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