Premiering at Tribeca Film Festival 2018, Hide Your Smiling Faces director Daniel Patrick Carbone brought his powerful, lyrical new documentary Phantom Cowboy...
Now in its 48th edition, the NYC-based film festival continues to spotlight directors representing the future of filmmaking and this year's edition is particularly eclectic....
Premiering at the Toronto International Film Festival back in 2017, Netflix has smartly waited to release Brie Larson's directorial debut Unicorn Store in a...
Luis Buñuel has received the biopic treatment in a way that befits the visionary Spanish artist. Based on a graphic novel, Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turt...
Going on seven decades in the film business, Martin Scorsese is showing no signs of slowing down. As he toils away in the editing room on The Irishman, one ...
The first trailer for Donnybrook, from Memphis and Dark Night director Tim Sutton, promises a film that will be an explosive and staggering condemnation of th...
Hong Sangsoo, the prolific, celebrated director of On the Beach at Night Alone, Right Now, Wrong Them, and many more, slacked a bit and only premiered two new...
Ralph Fiennes returns behind the camera (and in front) for his third directorial effort as he brings audiences the provocative story of Rudolf Nureyev, play...