Following its premiere at Sundance Film Festival, the disquieting first trailer for Them that Follow has arrived ahead of an August release. In their direct...
After impressing in the Jump Street franchise, Workaholics, and more, Jillian Bell transitions from co-star to leading lady in Paul Downs Colaizzo's directori...
An official selection at the Sundance Film Festival, Magnolia Pictures has unveiled the first trailer for Avi Belkin’s documentary Mike Wallace is Here, set...
Winner of the U.S. Grand Jury Prize at this year's Sundance Film Festival, Amazon has unveiled the harrowing trailer for their new documentary One Child Nat...
After crafting one of the best films of 2016 with The Fits, the creative team is finally returning with a follow-up. Anna Rose Holmer and Saela Davis will b...
Are you ready for some old-fashioned scares before the summer closes out? Following its world premiere at last year's TIFF, Well Go USA Entertainment has un...
Following its world premiere at TIFF last year, the first trailer for the unique experimental film Mouthpiece has arrived for Mouthpiece, coming from direct...
After her revelatory and harrowing feature The Babadook heralded Jennifer Kent to international acclaim, expectations have been high for her second feature ...
An official selection at TIFF, Sundance, Berlin, and more, Kino Lorber has unveiled the first trailer for the visually awe-inspiring documentary, Anthropoce...