After the terrible American Sniper fracas -- if you lived under a rock, it went something like this: "Doggonit am I mad about falsehoods and misrepresentati...
If the slate of trailers contained within this post are any sort of indication, film restoration is alive and well. Or, if we're using this as a litmus test...
Though his vast oeuvre pays tribute to many types of cinema, Rainer Werner Fassbinder was, at his heart, a great practitioner of melodrama. It's thus no surpris...
Say what you will about Paolo Sorrentino's work as a formalist -- we already have! -- but the man can put together a decent soundtrack. After the cross-cult...
How many movies feature zero chairs? How many chairs have you taken particular note of? They're a dressing so common that you (or at least I) never really t...
Since any New York City cinephile has a nearly suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile repe...
If one is observing a body of work strictly from the outside, your favorite filmmaker's sense of timing can be hard to figure. It was eight years between Fl...
This looks nothing like the Adventureland reunion I was expecting, but if the first trailer for American Ultra is truly indicative of the final product, it'...
However his Peter Pan prequel, Pan, turns out -- you can get some idea for yourself right here! -- Joe Wright might not be going back to the big-budget fant...