Continuing their streak of restorations seemingly nobody would even think to undertake, The Film Desk will soon premiere a program of ten shorts directed by Rh...
A little silly to say about a movie that premiered in competition at Cannes and had the much-desired fall-festival run, but there should've been a little more ...
When friend and Film Stage contributor Ethan Vestby suggested I watch Nate Wilson's The All Golden, I did so with no expectations of what might follow. My enth...
When it was announced Arnaud Desplechin's next feature Spectateurs! (titled the less-appealing Filmlovers! in English) would be a) a docu-fiction hybrid; b) ab...
The Cannes crush can be so unforgiving. This year's case in point: Misericordia has premiered to relatively little notice despite being the latest by the great...
When news broke last year of John Hillcoat adapting Blood Meridian, I had expressed some hope for similar treatment bestowed upon Cormac McCarthy's final novel...
Martin Scorsese's latest directorial effort and first collaboration with Timothée Chalamet is upon us––it just happens to clock at 1/206th Killers of the Flowe...