The Comedy is a title that works on two levels. The film itself contains the same kind of detached irony that lightly walks through the veins of the aimless Swa...
Lincoln is a right up director Steven Spielberg's alley. This is both for good and ill. Spielberg pulls tight on the reins on the story of one of our most legen...
Amongst the many reasons that David Fincher directed Zodiac, his painstakingly methodical and precise look into the investigation of the Zodiac killer, was to k...
As I enter Loki Films, it bustles with the kind of urgency usually reserved for Grand Central at rush hour. Only there are significantly less people and the...
If Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher, and Lizzy Caplan were regular humans, they would have walked into the small, but well furnished conference room at the Regenc...
One of the gifts of directors Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady have shown through their documentary film career is their ability to fragment large social topics thr...
There is nothing more important to a teenager than everything. It's the sly trick when making a high school movie: the stakes are already built in. That's why y...
Almost before the light beings to flicker from the projector, Kirsten Dunst's Regan utters "Things have been going really well." In great comedic fashion, not o...
"What do you get the couple who has everything?"
It's the kind of question that does not beget an answer; the idiom is practically smothered with enough iron...