After crafting the decent remake Quarantine and helming the best thing M. Night Shyamalan has been involved with in some time (Devil), brothers John Erick D...
"The first Sin City was such an experiment. We weren’t sure what audiences would accept, because it was just completely different," director Robert Rodrigue...
With production kicking off earlier this month, one doesn't have to extensively search to dig up a handful of set photos from Jurassic World, but today Univ...
Celebrating his 77th birthday today is the legendary Jack Nicholson, an actor who hasn't been seen on screen for nearly half-a-decade, but is still not coun...
"Nostalgia can be an unwieldy tool in the world of filmmaking. Few features manage to effectively capture the charms of a certain time period, either going ...
"On screen for nearly all of Blue is the Warmest Color‘s three-plus hour runtime, few performances — breakthrough or not — this year are as transfixing as t...
While Cronenberg, Dardennes, Assayas, Loach, Leigh, and more regulars will be returning to Cannes Film Festival, there were a few relative unknowns in the l...
"It was always going to reflect the culture — presidents, reelections, wars -- but kind of from the kids’ perspective," Richard Linklater recently told us w...
Nearly a year after it premiered at Cannes Film Festival, The Weinstein Company will finally be giving James Gray's The Immigrant a theatrical release in th...
Soon after the official Cannes Film Festival line-up dropped the floodgates opened for distributors and producers to show off their features that will grace t...
After graduating from Hampshire College with a degree in music theory, Leonard Pearce turned his passions to film and writing. He lives in upstate NY with his wife Laura and cat Tardi.