A dim-witted offering released in time for Mother’s Day, Snatched -- directed by Jonathan Levine from a script by Katie Dippold -- is a low-energy action comedy...
Side-stepping the more explicit aspects of war, the biopic Megan Leavey focuses on the story of a woman who finds a higher calling, though not of a religious va...
The dilemma of a film like Stanley Nelson’s sweeping and emotionally-charged new documentary Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Historically Black Colleges a...
Opening in a court room, For Ahkeem finds its protagonist Daje, an African American girl from the inner city of North St. Louis, sentenced to Judge Jimmy Edward...
Playfully divided into “Lots," Barry Avrich’s sweeping and enlightening Blurred Lines: Inside the Art World investigates the entire ecosystem that comprises the...
Punctuated with banter about the best places to score, which gas station bathroom is the best for shooting up, which neighborhoods have cops roaming, where in d...
Executive produced by its subject, Julian Schnabel: A Private Portrait offers access to the painter, filmmaker, and amateur extreme sportsman with commentary ab...
The Strange Ones is a maddening, yet exceptionally-directed debut feature from acclaimed short filmmaking duo Lauren Wolkstein and Christopher Radcliff, adapted...
Welcome to Lullaby, NJ, population 506, the fictional town at the center of Jody Lambert’s delightful comedy Brave New Jersey “where strangers are friends and n...
Unintentionally timely, A River Below may be read as a Trump-era document, a tale of environmentalists versus local industry. The film begins deceptively simple...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.