The narrative directorial debut of film scholar, curator, and documentary filmmaker Kent Jones elicits an awful lot of anticipation. Often, first features conta...
Arrested and charged with a felony assault simply for bruising the fragile ego of Waller County, Texas officer Brian Encinia, Sandra Bland would later end up de...
Largely set in a hotel room on election night 2016, Onur Tukel’s The Misogynists is a nasty piece of business. Perhaps the director's most no holds barred pictu...
A quiet and observant sports drama, When She Runs, like The Fits, is a film that lives and breathes process. Our lead Kristen (Kirstin Anderson, also credited a...
Inspired by Andrew Solomon’s best-selling novel and perhaps a quote the begins Roger Ebert’s autobiography Life Itself (“…movies are like a machine that generat...
Rising to prominence in a changing cultural landscape, Robert Mapplethorpe may have been just been in the right place at the right time. At the cultural vanguar...
A showcase for four women fighting back against online physical and emotional harassment, Netizens is a film of undeniable power. Directed by Bully writer and c...
Set in a maximum-security prison, O.G. gets many of the details right about incarceration, from the mutual respect amongst inmates who have accepted why they’re...
Setting up a cultural clash between two 40-something college pals, their partners, and a surrogate, Marianna Palka’s black comedy Egg, like her previous horror/...
The Duplass Brothers Productions has become the Blumhouse of character-driven indies, an established label that upcoming filmmakers gravitate towards to work wi...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.