Operating in the subgenre of talking-head art doc, where a filmmaker close to their subject sit and talk with friends about the good ol’ days, Sara Driver’s Boo...
The narrative directorial debut of film scholar, curator, and documentary filmmaker Kent Jones elicits an awful lot of anticipation. Often, first features conta...
Arrested and charged with a felony assault simply for bruising the fragile ego of Waller County, Texas officer Brian Encinia, Sandra Bland would later end up de...
Largely set in a hotel room on election night 2016, Onur Tukel’s The Misogynists is a nasty piece of business. Perhaps the director's most no holds barred pictu...
A quiet and observant sports drama, When She Runs, like The Fits, is a film that lives and breathes process. Our lead Kristen (Kirstin Anderson, also credited a...
Inspired by Andrew Solomon’s best-selling novel and perhaps a quote the begins Roger Ebert’s autobiography Life Itself (“…movies are like a machine that generat...
Rising to prominence in a changing cultural landscape, Robert Mapplethorpe may have been just been in the right place at the right time. At the cultural vanguar...
A showcase for four women fighting back against online physical and emotional harassment, Netizens is a film of undeniable power. Directed by Bully writer and c...
Set in a maximum-security prison, O.G. gets many of the details right about incarceration, from the mutual respect amongst inmates who have accepted why they’re...
Setting up a cultural clash between two 40-something college pals, their partners, and a surrogate, Marianna Palka’s black comedy Egg, like her previous horror/...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.