A delightful meditation on childhood in the summer of 1969 set literally in the shadows of NASA’s central operations in Houston, Richard Linklater’s contemplat...
Directed by SXSW alum Kestrin Pantera (Mother’s Little Helpers), Pretty Problems is yet another indie picture about a floundering 30-something couple stuck in ...
As unhinged as its muse, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a curious bit of fan service and perhaps a welcome evolution in the career of Nicolas Cage,...
A general rule film students learn the first few weeks of their intro class is that a film teaches you how to watch it within the first five minutes. Well, mos...
What first appears to be an energetic, biographical sketch of NYU Professor and filmmaker Christine Choy becomes a film about her lost project, one that seemin...
Early in Daniel Roher’s alarming and essential documentary Navalny, Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny sits in Germany, having recovered from being poiso...
The much-anticipated follow-up to her excellent documentary Coded Bias, Shalini Kantayya’s TikTok, Boom. doesn’t quite know what to make of the addicting viral...
Tonally disjointed but at times hilarious, Adamma Ebo’s feature adaptation of her popular short seems to have taken a misguided shape. This religious satire th...
In her most personal and intimate film, master documentarian Ondi Timoner (We Live in Public, Cool It, Dig) turns an intended family tribute for a virtual memo...
A comedy of (bad) manners, Monia Chokri's Babysitter plays with myriad interesting themes, ranging from toxic masculinity to post-postpartum depression but ult...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.