Another movie announced to be 3D? Yes, that’s so unexpected in this postAvatar world. Not just any movie, but Roland Emmerich’s planned adaptation of the Foundation trilogy. Emmerich gave up the details over at MTV citing Avatar as the inspiration:

Probably now all big movies have to be 3-D. It’s not only the effect of 3-D, [Avatar has] just shown that if you do a movie in 3-D, you can ask for more money and that’s the trick. I think now everybody who does bigger movies has to shoot them in 3-D. I think there’s no way around it. I was on the set of ‘Avatar’ and I saw how it worked and I really thought, ‘That’s the ultimate way of making movies.

Emmerich also said that he wouldn’t know how to shoot it “real”, which is a bit odd since what I’ve heard Asimov’s Foundation trilogy is something that could be done realistically, no mo-cap necessary. There’s one thing that is for sure fact, expect plenty of explosions to be coming at you in 3D. It’s a bit silly to expect that this will be any different than Emmerich’s past films, so don’t expect anything brainy and non-gimmicky.

What do you think of the idea of a 3D Foundation Trilogy?

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