When a film follows a despicable character acting out despicable things, it takes a careful balance in both the direction and the writing to give an audience an...
There's a noble attempt in Camp X-Ray, written and directed by Peter Sattler, to make a war movie that's about individuals rather than ideals. Set in Guantanamo...
In 2013 we got a romance-tinged take on the zombie genre with Warm Bodies and this year's Sundance Film Festival brings a smaller-scale, independent effort also...
Deep within the tumultuous, creative mind of musician Willis Earl Beal (played by the real-life musician of the same name) is where writer/director Tim Sutton's...
The Zellner brothers are Sundance darlings, having had several short films and their last two features appear at the festival. This year they are back with Kumi...
The driving force behind the very clever two-handed chamber piece The One I Love is communication. How we talk to those we love and those that love us. Mark Dup...
If all one needs to make a movie if a girl and a gun, as per Godard, then perhaps all you need to make a good comedy is two guys in a restaurant, talking about ...
No doubt about, Song One has it's heart in the right place. Set in Williamsburg and focusing on the indie music scene that populates that piece of North Brookyl...
Sci-fi and fantasy films are generating plenty of attention at Sundance and beyond. To start, Deadline reports that Emmett/Furla/Oasis Films -- the producti...
If Mark Hartley’s documentary Not Quite Hollywood set out to prove anything, it’s that Australia’s national cinema was founded on exploitation and genre far...