In seeking to create an expansive multi-film universe, Marvel has managed to both bless and curse each of its subsequent films. The blessing comes in the form o...
Advances in digital technology have now given filmmakers the chance to do things that would have been impossible just a decade ago. With this bold new power com...
In case you forgot, it was only less than a year ago that we got Avengers: Age of Ultron, perhaps one of Marvel's most disappointing entries. Yet it grossed...
Earning a top five spot in our favorite films of the decade thus far, Spike Jonze's Her is certainly one of the most beloved films as of late. In perfectly ...
Furthering their burgeoning status as the most auteur-happy studio in contemporary American cinema, Amazon Studios have struck another deal with Jill Solowa...
Dozens of films try to copy the Coens every year, and yet no one ever comes close. They have developed such a delicate, fluid witches' brew of talent behind and...
"How lucky are we to get a Coen brothers film so early in the year?," fellow writer Brian Roan remarked in naming Hail, Caesar! one of our most-anticipated ...
As we continue to highlight the best of 2015 in cinema, it's a staggering thought that we'll be getting perhaps our most-anticipated film of next year in ju...
Considering it reached $1.4 billion worldwide, if you're reading this, you probably sat through Avengers: Age of Ultron. However, if you're like this viewer...