It seemed inevitable that Haruki Murakami’s prose would find a way into the films of Ryusuke Hamaguchi. The director returns with Drive My Car, based on Muraka...
With Happy Hour and Asako I & II director Ryūsuke Hamaguchi's stellar triptych Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy picked up for a U.S. release by Film Movement, ...
Following up the stellar Happy Hour and Asako I & II, Ryūsuke Hamaguchi's streak continued last month with the premiere of his latest film, the triptych Wh...
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy is cinema portmanteau: three short stories focused on three different characters, each a little lovesick and just a little lost. T...
High anticipation for a new Ryūsuke Hamaguchi film is a relatively recent phenomenon. The Japanese director completed his debut film Passion around the tail en...
Like clockwork (which is to say every three years) we get a new Dardenne brothers movie. If it's been two since Young Ahmed and we shouldn't expect an announce...