There's a question looming above the entirety of Death on the Streets, European Johan Carlsen's film about a self-destroyed American man: Is Kurt (Zack Mulliga...
Never doubt a documentary filmmaker's propensity to eke out the narrowest of niches. We've had films on spelling bees and İstanbullu kitties, but the latest co...
Landscapes of Resistance tells the story of Sonja Vujanović, a nice old lady whose one-time battle against the Nazis landed her inside their most notorious con...
Surely, Fai must have dreamed of this movement when he was serving time in jail. The cold wind that travels across the free world threatens to blow out the lig...
The striking Pebbles is set in Arittapatti, a village in southern India terrorized by draught so persistent it has turned fields of green into yellowish dust a...
Opening the 50th International Film Festival Rotterdam is Anders Thomas Jensen's entertaining rollercoaster of a film Riders of Justice, following a soldier na...
The formally audacious and politically enticing documentary The Year of the Discovery may feel daunting with its 200-minute runtime, but Luis López Carrasco's ...
What started last October as a students’ protest regarding the rise in public transportation rates in Santiago de Chile has now blown up into a nationwide soci...
The Hangzhou of Zheng Lu Xinyaun’s The Cloud in Her Room is a funereal city, a protean place rife with cranes and construction sites, where new buildings mushr...
Penelope and Dimitris are professional pet cremators. They roam the sprawling periphery of an industrial Greek town, retrieve defunct animals from their owners...