The numerous financial forces that conspired to put Alien: Covenant on thousands and thousands of screens the world over have ensured that their investment will...
“I feel every day,” Denis Villeneuve said on Variety’s Playback Podcast, speaking about Blade Runner 2049, his next sci-fi film following Arrival. “At the ...
From alien attacks to European adventures (both pleasant and harrowing), some of the year's best documentaries, the final film from a late master, and more, there's something for everyone....
With Alien: Covenant on its way -- and his announcement that he'd like to helm many more of them -- director Ridley Scott also has plans to direct All The M...
Courtesy of backing from Netflix, it was thought Andrew Dominik's next film would be his long-in-the-works Marilyn Monroe biopic Blonde. However, with the s...
I envy those true-blue Ridley Scott fans who anticipate each of his features and find auteurist interest in all -- Robin Hood a worthy companion to Matchsti...
With its expansive sci-fi world, 20th Century Fox has been keen to extend the universe of the Alien franchise beyond just the feature films. Following a pro...
Ridley Scott's first movie in a lengthy-for-him year-and-a-half is Alien: Covenant, which follows up Prometheus with a little more of that useful brand reco...
Following in the footsteps of the last Alien film, Ridley Scott and company aren't teasing their sci-fi adventure through strictly conventional means. To he...